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Download and verify OVA file

This section contains guidelines on how to download and verify the OVA file.

To download an OVA file from the UI:

  1. Open a web browser.
  2. Visit the PMM Server download page.
  3. Choose a Version or use the default (the latest).
  4. Click the link for pmm-server-3.0.0.ova to download it. Note where your browser saves it.
  5. Right click the link for pmm-server-3.0.0.sha256sum and save it in the same place as the .ova file.
  6. (Optional) Verify.

Download the latest PMM Server OVA and checksum files.


Verify OVA file from CLI

Verify the checksum of the downloaded .ova file.

shasum -ca 256 pmm-server-3.0.0.sha256sum

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