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Environment variables

Use the following Docker container environment variables (with -e var=value) to set PMM Server parameters.

Variable         Description
DISABLE_UPDATES Disables a periodic check for new PMM versions as well as ability to apply upgrades using the UI
DISABLE_TELEMETRY Disable built-in telemetry and disable STT if telemetry is disabled.
METRICS_RESOLUTION High metrics resolution in seconds.
METRICS_RESOLUTION_HR High metrics resolution (same as above).
METRICS_RESOLUTION_MR Medium metrics resolution in seconds.
METRICS_RESOLUTION_LR Low metrics resolution in seconds.
DATA_RETENTION The number of days to keep time-series data.
N.B. This must be set in a format supported by time.ParseDuration
and represent the complete number of days.
The supported units are ns, us (or µs), ms, s, m, and h.
The value must be a multiple of 24, e.g., for 90 days 2160h (90 * 24).
ENABLE_VM_CACHE Enable cache in VM.
DISABLE_ALERTING Disables built-in Percona Alerting, which is enabled by default.
ENABLE_AZUREDISCOVER Enable support for discovery of Azure databases.
DISABLE_BACKUP_MANAGEMENT Disables Backup Management, which is enabled by default.
PMM_DEBUG Enables a more verbose log level.
PMM_TRACE Enables a more verbose log level including trace-back information.
PMM_PUBLIC_ADDRESS External IP address or the DNS name on which PMM server is running.
PMM_WATCHTOWER_HOST=${PMM_WATCHTOWER_HOST:-http://watchtower:8080} Specifies the connection URL for the WatchTower container, including the schema (http), host (watchtower), and port (8080).
PMM_WATCHTOWER_TOKEN=${PMM_WATCHTOWER_TOKEN:-123} Defines the authentication token used for secure communication between the PMM Server container and the WatchTower container. Make sure this matches the value of the WATCHTOWER_HTTP_API_TOKEN environment variable set in the WatchTower container.

Other variables

The following variables are also supported but values passed are not verified by PMM. If any other variable is found, it will be considered invalid and the server won’t start.

Variable Description
_, HOME, HOSTNAME, LANG, PATH, PWD, SHLVL, TERM Default environment variables.
GF_* Grafana environment variables.
VM_* VictoriaMetrics’ environment variables.
SUPERVISOR_ supervisord environment variables.
KUBERNETES_ Kubernetes environment variables.
MONITORING_ Kubernetes monitoring environment variables.
PERCONA_TEST_ Unknown variable but won’t prevent the server starting.

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